Síle Englert is a queer, Autistic writer and multi-disciplinary artist. She is the author of two chapbooks: The Phobic’s Handbook (Anstruther Press, 2020) and Threadbare (Baseline Press, 2019). The Lost Time Accidents, her first full-length poetry collection, is forthcoming from icehouse poetry (Goose Lane Editions) in October, 2021. Síle’s writing has placed Second in CV2’s 2-Day Poem Contest and Freefall Magazine’s Fiction contest, and was shortlisted for Arc Poetry Magazine’s Poem of the Year in 2020. Her work has appeared in journals including: The Fiddlehead, Room, Contemporary Verse 2, Arc, The Dalhousie Review, and Carousel. Síle’s recent work can be found in the way out is the way in: an anthology of disabled poets from the League of Canadian Poets, and I Found Myself in You, a collaborative chapbook from Collusion Books.