Greg Santos is the author of Blackbirds (2018), Rabbit Punch! (2014), and The Emperor’s Sofa (2010). He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from New York City’s The New School. In his third DC Books title, Ghost Face (2020), he explores what it means to have been a Cambodian infant adopted by a multicultural Canadian family. Through a uniquely playful and self-reflective series of poems that pay moving homage to his adoptive parents, and explore the fantasies of a lost family and life in Cambodia, Santos leads the reader through his visceral process of unlearning and relearning who he is and who he might become.
He regularly works with at-risk communities as a creative writing instructor and he teaches at the Thomas More Institute. He is the Editor in Chief of the Quebec Writers’ Federation’s online literary journal, carte blanche. He is an adoptee of Cambodian, Spanish, and Portuguese descent. He lives in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal with his family.
Purchase Ghost Face and Rabbit Punch! from DC Books, as well as Blackbirds from Eyewear Publishing
Website: https://gregsantos.me/
Instagram: @gspoet
Twitter: @moondoggyspad