Antler River Poetry FKA Poetry London

As we continue to amplify the voices of diverse and vibrant poets from across the breadth of Nations, territories, habitats, waterways, and provinces commonly known as Canada, we recognize that “Poetry London” uses colonial language that does not reflect our organization’s ethos. We are in the process of changing the name of the Poetry London reading series to Antler River Poetry, which borrows from the transliterated Anishinabemowin Deshkan Ziibi, one of the original and continuous names for the river. Unceded to treaty, the Antler River flows through the Oneida Nation of the Thames, the Munsee Delaware Nation, the Chippewa of the Thames First Nation, and the city known as London, Ontario. The name Antler River Poetry symbolically moves our reading series away from the city and toward the river: a source of life, a place of intersection, and a host to diverse communities.